When was the current long-range forecast system implemented? | March 2011 |
Is it a coupled forecast system? | Yes |
Is it a Tier-2 forecast system? | No |
Atmospheric Model Resolution | Spectral, T126/L64 |
Ocean model (if applicable) | MOM4 |
Source of atmospheric initial conditions | Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) |
Source of ocean initial conditions | Global Ocean Data Assimilation System |
If Tier-2, what is the source of SST predictions? | N/A |
Hindcast Period | 1981-2010 |
Ensemble size for the hindcasts | 20 |
How is the hindcast ensemble configured? | 1-day apart 5 observed atmospheric initial conditions clustered around the analyzed ocean initial state on 1st, 11th, and 21st of the month |
Ensemble size for the forecast | 40 |
How is the forecast ensemble configured? | 4 per day |
Length of forecasts | 9 months |
Data Format | GRIB 1 |
What is the latest date predicted anomalies for the next month/season become available? | 7th of the current month. For example, forecast for JJA are available on 7th May |
How are the forecast anomalies constructed? | Lagged ensemble based on forecasts from last 20 days |
URL where forecast are displayed | http://origin.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/people/wwang/cfsv2fcst/ |
Point of Contact | Arun Kumar (Arun.kumar@noaa.gov) |