
System Configuration Information

These information can be changed if the corresponding operational model is modified.

GPC Tokyo

GPC Tokyo
When was the current long-range forecast system implemented? System name: JMA/MRI-CPS3 
Implemented: February 2022
Is it a coupled forecast system? Yes
Is it a Tier-2 forecast system? No
Atmospheric model resolution TL319 (approx. 55km), 100 vertical layers
Ocean model (if applicable) 0.25ºx0.25º on a tripolar grid, 60 vertical layers
Source of atmospheric initial conditions Operational forecast: JMA’s Global Analysis (Hybrid LETKF/4DVAR system)
Hindcasts: JRA-3Q
Source of ocean initial conditions JMA’s MOVE/MRI.COM-G3 (Ocean 4DVAR system)
If Tier-2, what is the source of SST predictions? N/A
Hindcast period Dec1990-Dec2020
Ensemble size for the hindcasts 10 (5 members with 15-day Lagged Average Forecast)
How is the hindcast ensemble configured? Atmosphere: BGM and SPPT, Ocean: Ensemble perturbations approximating analysis error covariances using minimization histories
Ensemble size for the forecast 5 per day
How is the forecast ensemble configured? Atmosphere: BGM and SPPT, Ocean: Ensemble perturbations approximating analysis error covariance using minimization histories
Length of forecasts Up to 7 months
Data format GRIB 2
What is the latest date predicted anomalies for the next month/season become available? 5 member ensemble is available everyday
How are the forecast anomalies constructed? Calculate anomalies against daily normal baseline data sampled from 30-year hindcast data with linear interpolation of nearest (before/after) 2 days
URL where forecast are displayed
Point of Contact Mr. Takuya Komori (
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