
System Configuration Information

These information can be changed if the corresponding operational model is modified.

GPC Montreal

GPC Montreal
When was the current long-range forecast system implemented? December 1st, 2021
Is it a coupled forecast system? Yes
Is it a Tier-2 forecast system? No
Atmospheric model resolution

CanAM4: T63L35

GEM-NEMO model: 1.0 deg (on a Yin-Yang grid)

Ocean model (if applicable)

CanOM4: 1.40 x 0.94 deg, L40

GEM-NEMO model: NEMO/ORCA1, 1 deg nominal horizontal resolution (1/3 deg in longitude near Equator) 50 levels

Source of atmospheric initial conditions The CMC Global 4D-var analysis is assimilated.
Source of ocean initial conditions CMC SST and sea-ice analysis at the surface and CMC GIOPS 3D ocean analysis below the surface.
If Tier-2, what is the source of SST predictions? N/A
Hindcast period 1991-2020
Ensemble size for the hindcasts 10 GEM-NEMO members + 10 CanCM4i members
How is the hindcast ensemble configured? For each month of the hindcast, a 12-month forecast is produced. There is no lagged initial conditions, all the 20 members start on the first of the month.
Ensemble size for the forecast 20 members, 10 for each model
How is the forecast ensemble configured? Every month, a 12-month forecast is produced. There is no lagged initial conditions, all the 20 members start on the first of the month.
Length of forecasts 12 months
Data format

GRIB2 data described and linked to at

What is the latest date predicted anomalies for the next month/season become available? The forecasts will be available every first day of the month.
How are the forecast anomalies constructed? By subtracting the ensemble forecast mean from the hindcast mean.
URL where forecast are displayed

Point of Contact Dr. Marko Markovic (

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