
System Configuration Information

These information can be changed if the corresponding operational model is modified.

GPC Offenbach

GPC Offenbach
When was the current long-range forecast system implemented? November 2020
Is it a coupled forecast system? Yes, ECHAM-6.3.05p2, MPIOM-1.6.3p4 plus submodels
Is it a Tier-2 forecast system? No
Atmospheric model resolution T127, spectral resolution corresponding to 0.9°x0.9° or~100 km on regular Gaussian grid
Ocean model (if applicable) TP04 corresponding to 0.4° on a tripolar grid
Source of atmospheric initial conditions ECMWF ERA-5 (for hindcasts), ECMWF ERA5 T analyses (for forecasts)
Source of ocean initial conditions ECMWF ORA-S5 (both hindcast/forecasts )
If Tier-2, what is the source of SST predictions? N/A
Hindcast period 1990-2019
Ensemble size for the hindcasts 30 members
How is the hindcast ensemble configured? Bred vectors in the ocean for 3D temperature and salinity & perturbed physical parameters in the atmosphere
Ensemble size for the forecast 50
How is the forecast ensemble configured? Bred vectors in the ocean for 3D temperature and salinity  & perturbed physical parameters in the atmosphere
Length of forecasts 6 months
Data format Netcdf, but GRIB 1 one also be possible
What is the latest date predicted anomalies for the next month/season become available? 8th of each month
How are the forecast anomalies constructed? Departures from the model climate estimated by the hindcast integrations
URL where forecast are displayed www./
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