
System Configuration Information

These information can be changed if the corresponding operational model is modified.


When was the current long-range forecast system implemented? System name: SPS3.5
Implemented: October 2020
Is it a coupled forecast system? Yes
Is it a Tier-2 forecast system? No
Atmospheric model resolution ½° approximately on a cube-sphere quasi-regular grid
Ocean model (if applicable) NEMO3.4, ¼° on a nearly isotropic, curvilinear, tri-polar grid.
Source of atmospheric initial conditions ECMWF
Source of ocean initial conditions Global Ocean 3D-VAR Data Assimilation System (C-GLORS)
If Tier-2, what is the source of SST predictions? N/A
Hindcast period 24 years: 1993-2016
Ensemble size for the hindcasts 40 members
How is the hindcast ensemble configured? Chosen at random among 120 combinations of 10 atmosphere ICs (time lagging at 12h interval), 3 land ICs (forced during previous month by ECMWF and NCEP analyses and mean of the two) and 4 ocean ICs (perturbing ocean observations)
Ensemble size for the forecast 50 members
How is the forecast ensemble configured? Chosen at random among 270 combinations of 10 atmosphere ICs (time lagging at 12h intervals), 3 land ICs (forced during previous month by ECMWF and NCEP analyses and mean of the two) and 9 ocean ICs (perturbing ocean observations)
Length of forecasts 6 months
Data format NetCDF
What is the latest date predicted anomalies for the next month/season become available? 10th of the month
How are the forecast anomalies constructed? By subtracting the 24year hindcast mean
URL where forecast are displayed
Point of Contact

Andrea Borrelli (
Silvio Gualdi (

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